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Pridružen/-a: 31.03. 2006, 16:24 Prispevkov: 1813 Kraj: Dob pri Domžalah
Objavljeno: 06 Nov 2010 17:16 Naslov sporočila: Miselni procesi šahista |
My vision of thinking process of a strong chess player
Moja vizija o miselnem procesu močnega šahista
Having online lessons with students, I see that a lot of them are doing mistakes in such general point of chess mastership as thinking process. Some of them, forget to think on opponents' ideas and blunder something; some of them don't make selecting of moves-candidates and miss very strong opportunities etc.
Pri podajanju virtualnih inštrukcij svojim študentom opažam, da jih veliko dela napake pri takši osnovi šahovskega mojstrstva kot je to proces razmišljanja. Nekateri od njih pozabljajo na nasprotnikove ideje in naredijo »kar nekaj«, drugi ne selekcionirajo potez protikandidata in zamudijo močne priložnosti, itd.
To help other persons who have the same problems I post these 5 steps of thinking process (as I see it):
Z namenom pomagati osebam, ki se soočajo z istimi problemi, objavljam pet korakov miselnega procesa (kot ga vidim jaz):
1. when your opponent did his move and you start a thinking on yours one - ask yourself "what does my opponent want?". if you don't do this you are always under risk to blunder something.
1. Ko je nasprotnik naredil potezo in ti začneš razmišljati o svoji, se vprašaj: »Kaj želi doseči moj nasprotnik?« Če ne narediš tega, vedno tvegaš, da boš zablodil.
2. when you know what your opponent wants - look at position and try to define all possible moves-candidates. this step helps you to avoid missing some good opportunity.
2. Ko veš, kaj tvoj nasprotnik hoče doseči, preveri trenutni položaj in skušaj opredeliti vse njegove možne poteze. S tem korakom se lahko izogneš temu, da bi zamudil katero od dobrih priložnosti v igri.
3. now it's time to calculate variations that start with moves-candidates. after calculating each line as far as you can - try to compare last positions of every line and find the best.
3.Zdaj je čas da preračunaš variacije, ki se prično s protikandidatovo potezo. Ko si naredil vse možne scenarije v kar najdlje potezah vnaprej, poskusi primerjati zadnje korake vseh teh potez in izberi najboljšo.
4. when you already see the best (in your opinion of course) move - does not rush with its making on the board. take another glance on the board and check if there is no blunder on the move 1 (at least; if you are more experienced you can check the whole main line of your analysis).
4. Ko si izbral svojo najboljšo protipotezo (po tvojem mišljenju, seveda), ne prehitevaj s tem, da bi jo takoj naredil. Še enkrat poglej na šahovnico in preveri, če ta tvoja poteza ne bo botrovala k napaki (če si bolj izkušen, lahko preveriš celotno »glavno progo« svoje poteze v procesu analize).
5. now, when you:
5. Zdaj, ko si:
- are assured that you see opponent's plans (ideas, direct threats etc.);
- prepričan, da vidiš nasprotnikove načrte (ideje, neposredne grožnje itd)
- have seen all candidates-moves;
- si videl vse protikandidatove poteze,
- caclulated and compared them;
- jih preračunal in primerjal,
- and are assured about non-blundering anything
- in si prepričan, da ne boš ničesar »zamočil«
you are ready to make the move finally!
... si končno pripravljen, da narediš potezo!
I hope it will help some of you to improve your chess performances. As well, I'm ready to answer to all questions about this issue below in the comments field.
Upam, da bo to nekaterim od vam pomagalo pri vašem šahovskem nastopanju. Pripravljen sem tudi odgovoriti na vsa vprašanja, ki jih boste zapisali pod komentarje spodaj.
Enjoy chess - it's a great game!
Uživajte v šahu – je čudovita igra!
Elektronski vir: Chess (2010), http://blog.chess.com/LuckyTiger/my-vision-of-thinking-process-of-a-strong-chess-player?sms_ss=facebook&at_xt=4cd51c4cfcae41c7%2C0 (dostop 6. november 2010)